
Spy Satellite Set for SpaceX Launch India’s space ambitions soar to new heights

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Spy Satellite is the catch word from morning kindling curiosity among the space enthusiasts so for them just to make it “Spy” here means protecting your borders in simple terminology.

Homegrown Spy Satellite Set for SpaceX Launch India’s space ambitions soar to new heights with the imminent launch of its first privately-built spy satellite. Manufactured by Tata Advanced Systems Ltd (TASL), this groundbreaking project marks a significant leap forward in the nation’s space capabilities and self-reliance.
“I think this started off in November 2023 and is all set for the launch now in 2024,” says Dr Srimathy Kesan, Founder, and CEO Space Kidz India.

But before we unpack the launch, let’s delve into the world of spy satellites and understand the significance of this mission.
“Imagine a camera orbiting Earth, capturing high-resolution images of strategic locations. That’s essentially what a spy satellite does. These advanced spacecraft collect valuable information for military and intelligence purposes, providing crucial insights into troop movements, infrastructure developments, and potential threats. Only a handful of countries, including the US, Russia, China, and now India, possess this sophisticated technology , ” explains Dr Kesan in an exclusive interaction with Financial Express Online.

The TASL satellite embodies both national pride and intrigue, built in Bangalore, it promises enhanced self-reliance, eliminating dependence on foreign vendors for critical data.

However, questions linger. Was the satellite entirely manufactured at TASL, or does it involve technology transfer from the Latin American company Satellogic, their collaborator on the ground control centre? While official details are limited, speculations point towards a potential technology transfer for the imaging payload and bus.

“While India boasts its own launch facilities, the choice of SpaceX for this mission piques curiosity. Is it purely a matter of convenience and expertise, or are there deeper strategic considerations at play? Additionally, the collaboration with Satellogic for the ground control center raises further questions about the extent of their involvement,” asks Dr Kesan.

According to the founder and CEO of Space Kidz, “With a resolution of 0.5 meters, the TASL satellite promises sharp, detailed imagery, a significant improvement over existing capability. This enhanced vision will empower India’s armed forces with real-time situational awareness, bolstering border security and defence preparedness. It also opens doors for sharing data with friendly nations, strengthening regional cooperation and intelligence gathering.”

The mission's Importance :
The opinion of Dr Kesan, “This mission signifies a crucial step in India’s spacefaring journey. It demonstrates the nation’s growing prowess in advanced technology, paving the way for further innovations in deep tech and space research. This not only benefits the security sector but also holds immense potential for civilian applications like disaster management and environmental monitoring.”

Working of SPY Satellite :
Spy Satellite is the catch word from morning kindling curiosity among the space enthusiasts so for them just to make it “Spy” here means protecting your borders in simple terminology. These are basically used for reconnaissance, military surveillance. They orbit the earth and take images and record radio signals predominantly used for military and geo-political purposes. These satellites send data to the earth and this is interpreted by critical analysts in a secured manner.

The TASL satellite launch is just the beginning. It fuels aspirations for a thriving Indian space industry, capable of not only fulfilling domestic needs but also contributing to global scientific endeavours. With ambitious projects like Gaganyaan human spaceflight on the horizon, India’s journey to the stars has taken a bold step forward, and the world eagerly awaits to see where it leads next.

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